Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Funk Be Gone

It’s amazing how one small gesture can make such a huge impact. Today I received my first masterpiece of the year from a student that I'll share below. I lit up with excitement. Especially after yesterday, which you can tell from my post was a bit of a tough day. I will say I was able to squeeze a two-hour nap in my busy day yesterday, but I still woke up in a sort of funk.

BUT… funk be gone! Because today is a new day and to top it off this morning a student chose me to gift a special drawing titled, “Best”. It lifted my spirits in a way I can’t explain. I remember making drawings when I was a kid and you had to be special to receive one from me because those were precious treasures that I spent my hard-earned time on. So, the fact that this student chose me to be the recipient of their masterpiece made me feel like I must be doing something right. I was sure to let the student know that I was honored to accept such an awesome gift and I appreciate it more than they know.

Positivity spreads like wildfire and sharing a smile is contagious. I feel the need to pay it forward, so my hope is that this post of rejuvenation for me has sent positive vibes to you and sprung a smile on your face. If you haven’t heard it lately, YOU are wonderful! Now go slay the day. That’s what I intend to do. 

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  1. This is just lovely! I'm so glad your student chose just the right moment to lift you up -- right out of that funk. Thanks for sharing this joy with us, and thanks for being such an encouraging force within our community, Candice!

    1. Thank you, Dr. Cramer! Sometimes I think they are so intuitive that even when we think we are doing a good job at slapping on our smiley faces they see through that and know when we need lifted.

    2. Candice Elaine MichaudSeptember 29, 2018 at 6:25 PM

      I'm not sure why that shows my name unknown. Sorry about that. Got to love technology sometimes. ;)
